Monday, 28 September 2015

Mise en Scene-Costume

Casper From Kids

This image is from the film kids, it is an American film about teenagers. The costumes of the characters in this film very much represent the rebellious teenage image that is trying to be portrayed in this film. Casper, one of the main characters, is portrayed in this way through his costume perfectly. In this image Casper is the teenager with the white t-shirt and hat on. The Director Larry Clark portrays Casper very well through his costume. The big baggy, oversized t-shirt and trousers makes Casper come across as a very rebellious teenage figure, a bit of a badass. It also gives you a
the image of Casper being a skater not only through his style but also by the boy next to him carrying a skate board. Skateboarding also give of this typical rebellious teenage image that the director wants us to feel with Casper.
As soon as you see Casper you build up an image of how you expect him to be, the director does this deliberately through the use of costume so that the viewer straight away can identify what Casper is like.

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