Saturday, 19 September 2015

Mise en Scene-Setting Analysis 2

This clip is from the opening scene of the film The Place Beyond The Pines. In this clip there are three different settings; the caravan, the carnival/fun fair and the tent. All these three settings tell us a lot about the mood and atmosphere of the film, the time period the film is set in and the genre of the film, it also hints to us about the events to come in Luke's life.
The first setting is Luke (Ryan Gosling) stood in his caravan. The caravan is very darkly lit and quite small and claustrophobic, this suggests a very sinister feel to the film. It also portrays that the film could feel very dark and gloomy and that the events to come will be bad and that danger could be ahead. The caravan is also reasonably messy suggesting that this characters life is a mess and potentially confusing. Luke also has many tattoos all over his body, this suggests that his life, like the tattoos, is kind of all over the place, its quite chaotic and dark. There is however one single light in the caravan, I personally think that the director, Derek Cianfrance, has deliberately included this solitary light in the first setting to symbolise that this quite dark character could have one piece of hope or goodness in his life.
The second setting is the carnival and the camera follows Luke as he walks through the carnival. Because it's a carnival with lights and amusements you immediately get the impression that the film is set in a relatively modern time period, not necessarily really modern but within the last 20 years or so. Carnivals and amusements are usually associated with fun, laughter and happiness. This fun image you get of the carnival juxtaposes Luke himself with his tattoo covered body and black Metallica vest, this suggest that maybe he doesn't belong in this setting and environment. However I also believe that the carnival here has a much deeper meaning. I think all the mad flashing lights represents the madness that his life has either already become or will become later on in the film. There are also many different colours in the scene which could further imply that his life could take a mad turn and it could be very crazy and wild. As Luke walks through the carnival he puts on a red jacket, this colour red could symbolise danger that is yet to come.
The third setting in this film is the tent. In this setting you see motorbikes and cameras which further suggests that the film is set in a slightly more modern time period. The tent is red and white striped, the repeated use of the colour red could imply danger but it could alternatively imply a bit of love especially when next to the white which could suggest a bit of hope. Moreover because the red is used next to the white it could mean that love of some sort could supply Like with hope, but it could also convey the idea that the love he has for someone or something could lead him into danger.

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