Thursday, 21 January 2016

Location Research

These are some images of the location that I am going to film my film opening at. I am also going to use a friends house to film the beginning of my opening however I knew for definite I was going to film there. These images are of locations I found whilst researching and looking for a place to film my opening. These fit perfectly with what I want to do as its quite a run down dark looking area, especially at night in the dark which is when I wish to film the majority of my opening. The run down look that this area has portrays what I want it to perfectly, as soon as you see the graffiti and dark underpass you think of a rough place, you think of a deprived social class and even of poverty. This is exactly what I wanted the setting for my opening to represent. I wanted it to let the audience know that the film is about the dark, gritty life of youth in deprived areas of England. Also the graffiti in the area  fits in very well with the youth culture that I am also trying to portray in my opening. I feel this location sets the mood for my film very well.
Weather isn't too much of a problem as I plan to film at night so as long as it isn't raining or incredibly windy the weather shouldn't effect filming. There are also many other similar locations around this location so if I have plenty of areas to work with if I need more or there's a sudden problem with this exact location.
The location is called Anglia square and is an old shopping centre located near the centre of Norwich. It is very easy to get to for both me and my two cast members, it is just a short bus journey which was a big benefit to the location.
Apart from the very start of my opening set in one of the characters houses and the underpass that a quick scene will be shot in all my filming will be done in exterior locations. This is because the portrayal of youth I am showing is that of 'life' on the streets and the classic image of youth culture that this entails. Therefore the most effective place to show my characters is on the streets doing as they please. However I am making sure the film starts at one of the characters houses to show that often this negative image that comes of teenagers on the streets can stem from problems or trouble at home and this is one of the themes that would be explored if I was to make the rest of the film.

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