Wednesday, 20 January 2016

My Finalised Idea

I am just about to start filming my opening and my idea for my film has changed. My original idea was to start the film with a teenager going to meet some friends and being stabbed on the way. The rest of the film would have been set up to be a crime thriller about catching the criminal. As I came closer to filming my piece decided that this idea be quite hard to film effectively and to a good standard. Also looking at it more in depth made me realise that it wasn't a very powerful or engaging opening to a film or a very realistic one. My idea now is much more realistic and will focus on the life of a troubled teenager as he battles with the harsh realities of life on the 'streets' and explores into drugs and drink. The opening will simply be my main character leaving his house to go skateboarding (like my original idea) however during his journey I will put some narration over the top of the characters voice introducing himself and speaking briefly about his exploits in drugs and alcohol and displaying his 'don't give a fuck' attitude. This combined with some good and varied camera shots and angles of him skateboarding can be used to great effect in the opening. If the film were to be carried on it would follow the character and his experiences and the theme of problems at home effecting choices made out of the home by teenagers in this age. This is an idea I believe I can achieve more effectively and to me would appeal more as a realistic and engaging opening to a film.

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